Saturday, February 26, 2011


Pros of Owning a Condo

•You have the choice of finding variable locations, space, sizes and condos with different architectural features.
•Financing facility available by showing the property as single family home
•Have the access to luxurious amenities such as spa, swimming pool, saunas, hot tubs, community centres and many more.
•Only an elected councilor has the power to managing the overall property.
•Individual Ownership and Substantial growth in equity.
•It is a less expensive option than single family home because of efficient land use.
•It can be your profitable investment venture.
•Low cost property option as repair and maintenance cost are shared.
•You can decorate the interiors of your condo unit, just the way you want it.
•It is an ideal property lying between the rental apartments and the single-family houses.
•The condo units give a smart living option to singles or couples; “empty nesters”.
•High security due to presence of neighbours in close proximity and also controlled entrances.
•Owners actively participate in the condominium development community programs and events such as, making of rules and regulations; byelaws; budgeting etc.
•High level of social activities and sense of neighbourhood community development is also there. This is because of the element of permanence.
•Problems peculiar to home ownership are overcome. These problems include repairing, maintenance costs etc. All this is now taken into the hands of a professional management company.
•Those belonging to middle income groups can easily buy such property.
•The owner has the natural way to take the ride in the real estate market.

Cons of Owning a Condo

•The quality of construction cannot be judged rightly.
•There is a possibility that the elected councils act in a biased manner.
•It might occur where the owner has to pay for those amenities, which is of least interest to him/her.
•The individuals who lack professional capabilities to handle them manage condominiums.
•The value of the property might not go as high as it goes in the case of single-family housing.
•Many of the owners of the condominium might not show interest in the council elections, and as the result same people are elected as councilors.
•Since the families in the condominiums are in close proximity, there are continuous source of disturbances available, which largely include, regular high volume parties; parking space; etc.
•Personal liberty may be constrained at times due to restrictions imposed in the bylaws and other local regulations.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Extrinsic Factors Affecting Real Estate Prices by Ravinder Tulsiani

Extrinsic Factors Affecting Real Estate Prices by Ravinder Tulsiani

There are many factors that control the real estate prices in the market. It doesn’t matter whether you are a buyer or a lender, but these market factors always play an instrumental role. Let me discuss them with you.

Interest Rates – An inverse relation exists between the interest rates and the property prices. If the interest rates are high, then the prices of the real estate property are lower and vice versa. What’s more, at low interest rates, more people can buy their first homes or second homes or investment property and as the result housing demand is created in the real estate market.

Rent Controls – State restrictions on the rent controls will automatically result in fewer buyers. The rental legislations are subject to change and modification depending on the State. You can search for the latest State rental legislations by typing the keyword, “landlord tenant law” in search engines.

Taxes – The places where high municipal property taxes are prevalent, purchasers are delimited to purchase the real estate property in that region. If the taxes are increased, it is eminent that there would be a drop in real estate prices. There are still many State taxes like the property purchase tax or the speculative tax can also make the confidence of the buyers lose. For the federal tax legislations like the down turn in capital gain tax can also limit the investors from investing in the real estate property market of the area. Therefore, these points play a crucial role in assessing the real estate activity and the prices in general.

Economy – A positive growing economy with high buoyancy makes the investors’ and the buyers’ confidence high. There would be a high market activity marked by increased selling and purchasing of homes, and this would result in increased market prices. And if the market behaviour shows sluggish movement, converse will happen. In such a scenario, both the buyer as well as investor will lose confidence and low market activity marked by poor selling and purchasing of homes, and this would automatically result in depreciation of the market prices of the homes.

Location – A real estate property placed in good and commercially valued location will have high property value as compared to the property, which has low commercial value. Naturally, high commercially significant properties attract more investors’ and buyers’ than any other property.

Land Availability – Factors such as land shortage; zoning restrictions in the municipalities; State land-use laws; and other type of ongoing laws that restrict the land use, would make the housing prices increase.

Public Image – There is certain type of public notion build to an area or the geographical region or the residential property. This can affect the demand as well as the prices of the property to a large extent. There are certain properties located in the States that are much in public demand. Such properties always have an appreciated value.

Immigration/Emigration – A scenic topography with plenty of retiring opportunities, high scale business options; good employment opportunities; tourism etc. aids in attracting people from other countries as well as people from country within. Therefore, immigration to an area increases the property value and conversely emigration results in depreciated property value.

Vacancy Conditions – If the region shows high vacancy levels, the real estate sales can dip and this also affects the confidence of an investor. Conversely, low vacancy levels can increase the activity of first homebuyers and those of investors as well.

Seasonal Factors – There are certain months in a year where the real estate sales move down. This also results in lowest real estate prices. This is also true for the recreational properties and other types of properties.

Political Factors – The State and the municipal government rulings can affect the property prices. This in turn can also affect the demand and the supply of the real estate property.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Super Tactics of Time Management Experts" Download it for FREE!

Do you want to get rid of your dreadful “time-wasting” habits and start doing things in an organized, efficient manner?

“Give Me a Few Minutes and I’ll Show You How to Quickly and Effectively Get More Done in a Week Than What Most People Can Accomplish in a Month!”

Did you know that rich people value their time much more than they value their money?

That’s right!

Success comes to those people who can manage their time according to their priorities. It is due to the fact that they can finish doing important tasks at a certain period of time without rushing things and without becoming reckless.

Thus, coming up with remarkable results is no surprise to them. So, are you willing to change your life?

Are you willing to establish a more organized living, to use your time wisely, and to start doing things now rather than the day before the deadline?

If you are, then great! Because I, too, am willing to share with you the secret ingredient of success – something that successful people themselves use, something that I call…

Super Tactics of Time Management Experts

I’m telling you, with the secrets enclosed in this comprehensive, step-by-step report, you can instantly change your life from unorganized to clean and tidy, from “there’s still tomorrow” to “now is the right time.”

This report will show you how to manage your time efficiently using powerful techniques in the art of prioritizing, delegation, goal-setting, planning, organizing, and overcoming the so called “time robbers.”

With these super tactics, you’ll be having the time of your life!

From Ravinder Tulsiani, Author

Dear Time-Deprived Friend,

Have you ever postponed a certain task as simple as mailing a birthday card for your mom who is out of the country, or perhaps something as important as preparing your report for tomorrow’s presentation at the office?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. You’re having a very hectic schedule and you feel like going crazy over so many tasks and things to do.

Say your mom believed any of your excuses why you had sent her a “belated happy birthday” greeting card, or you had managed to get over the presentation even with fillers like “uhm…you see… uhm… well…” Did you feel glad about it being done and consider it good enough?

I don’t think so.

In fact, you could have done it better … or rather, you ought to do it better!

Do you have to wait for the moment when your mom sulks because she thought you’ve forgotten her birthday? What if the increase and promotion you’ve been waiting for your whole life will be given to your colleague because you don’t deserve the recognition?

Why wait for something terrible to happen before you start organizing your time, your career, your relationship with other people, your space, and most especially, your life?

“With Time Management, You Can Be Efficient…You Can Be Productive…You Can Be the Best of What You Can Be Right Now!”

So are you ready?

Check out just SOME of the information you will find inside Super Tactics of Time Management Experts:

 Necessary pre-requisites to help you manage your time effectively.

 Main factors in determining your personal time.

 How to become proficient in the art of prioritizing.

 A very powerful tactic that can help you get more things done in one week than what most people can accomplish in a month.

 The most notorious (and oftentimes irresistible) activities that steal away most of your time, and how you can effectively overcome them.

 How to make your time productive when you really can’t avoid the time thieves.

 How to do just once what people are doing many times.

 How to make emails work for you in your pursuit to save time.

 How to finish your job in much lesser time and attain a balanced life.

 Extraordinary methods to gain more direction in accomplishing whatever needs to be done.

 Significant factors to boost your job performance and efficiency.

 How to triple or quadruple your time to enjoy life to the fullest.

 How to relieve yourself of tasks that you hate to do.

 Super tactic to give you the right motivation.

 Practical tips to overcome procrastination.

 Three important aspects in planning your moves.

 Motivational tools to give you the zest in starting out a task or duty with vibrant enthusiasm.

 Important things to remember in setting goals.

 Useful ways to create a sound plan.

 How to utilize your effort or energy to become an achiever.

 Suggested organizational method you can do to entail great results in managing your time.

 Terrific techniques to organize your tasks and activities.

 Unique and fun tactics for organized filing.

 How to remember important dates or occasions without fail.

 How to minimize errors and mistakes that waste so much time.

 Great ways to help you create a better working space and lifestyle.
 How to minimize your time looking for objects.
 How to get control over your workplace, your life, and the time that surrounds you.

 What to do to reduce stress and anxiety.

 Why many people achieve very little despite spending most of their time on certain activities.

 How activity logs function.

 The standard technique used by top-level athletes, successful businessmen and achievers in realizing their dreams and reaching their goals.

 Keys to being really productive and efficient.

 How tasks should be prioritized.

 The difference between an Action Plan and a What To Do List.

 The importance of effective scheduling.

And a lot, lot more!

“Remember: Time is Precious, Exquisite, and Priceless!”

You only have one life to live. Would you like to spend most of it just working and being overwhelmed with too many responsibilities to handle? I don’t think so.

Would you like to have more than enough time in the world to do the things you love and to enjoy your life, amidst all your tasks? Sure you would. That’s how important time management is.

Download Super Tactics of Time Management Experts Now!

Ravinder Tulsiani

P.S. What are you waiting for? Time is running fast. The earlier you read and apply the super tactics in this book, the more time you’ll ever have in your life.

P.P.S. You can never turn back the hands of time. Time wasted can never be reclaimed. So act now!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

How To Be A Public Speaking Superstar by Ravinder Tulsiani

Have Supreme Confidence and Master Public Speaking. I Can Teach YOU Step-By-Step The Same Exact Proven Methods I Use To Speak And Present With Power, Influence And Charisma To Get What You Want. How To Be A Public Speaking Superstar.

After reading this book, you will be able to:

* Overcome your fear of public speaking
* Manage speech anxiety effectively
* Prepare a powerful speech using 9 basic steps
* Analyze your audience to make your topic fit their interests
* Organize your speech carefully to improve understanding and recall
* Enhance the quality of your speech
* Organize an introduction that will relax you and your audience
* Identify the 3 qualities an effective speaker should possess
* Know how public speaking can improve your personal development
* Know how public speaking can influence your society
* Know how public speaking can advance your profession

Download my new book "How To Be A Public Speaking Superstar"

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Develop Your Financial IQ by Ravinder Tulsiani

Learn how to develop your financial IQ to help grow your wealth. Packed with valuable information that anyone can use to increase their financial IQ fast!

Download my new book "Develop Your Financial IQ"